Degrees to Study and Steps to Start a Career as a Consultant

Degrees to Study and Steps to Start a Career as a Consultant

So you want to be a consultant? It’s a great career choice! There are many different paths that can help you start a career as a consultant. Here we will outline some of the best degrees to study and provide steps on how to start your own consulting career!

Consultants Degrees!

What is A Consultant? 

A consultant is an expert in their field who provides advice to organizations or individuals. They are usually hired on a project basis, and their fees are typically based on their level of experience and expertise. [1]

Consultants typically have a college degree, and many also have advanced degrees in their field of specialty. Many consultants begin their careers working for consulting firms, but some eventually start their own businesses.

There is a wide range of consultant specialties, including management consultants, financial consultants, marketing consultants, and human resources consultants. No matter what their area of expertise, all consultants aim to provide clients with the best possible advice to help them achieve their goals.

Benefits Of Working As A Consultant?

Consulting is a rapidly growing industry with many opportunities for those with the right skills and experience. Some studies show the job opportunities for consultants has risen 5% in the last 5 years. [2] Here are three benefits of a career as a consultant: 

  1. Consultants are usually highly educated and experienced professionals. Many have advanced degrees in their field of expertise. This makes them well-qualified to provide advice and assistance to clients. 
  2. Consulting is a great way to use your skills and knowledge to help businesses improve their operations. It can be very satisfying to know that you have helped a company achieve its goals. 
  3. Consulting offers a high degree of flexibility and autonomy. Consultants can choose their own hours and work from home if they desire. They also have the freedom to choose which projects they work on and which clients they work with. This allows consultants to create a career that fits their lifestyle and needs.
  4. Consulting can be a very lucrative career. Consultants typically charge high hourly rates for their services. This can lead to a high income, especially for those who are in demand and have many clients.

What Degrees Should I Study To Be  A Consultant?

There are many different types of consultants, but they all share one common trait: they are experts in their field. As a result, if you’re interested in becoming a consultant, it’s important to choose the right educational path. [3] Here are five degrees that can help you launch a successful career as a consultant:

  1. Business Administration: A degree in business administration will give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the competitive world of consulting. You’ll learn how to develop and implement strategies, assess risks, and manage finances.
  2. Economics: An understanding of economics is essential for any consultant. With a degree in economics, you’ll be able to identify trends and analyze data to make informed decisions about your clients’ businesses.
  3. Psychology: psychology can be helpful for consultants who want to understand why people make certain decisions. This knowledge can be used to influence clients and help them achieve their goals.
  4.   Sociology: A degree in sociology can be beneficial for consultants who work with organizations. You’ll learn about group dynamics and how to manage people. This knowledge will be useful when you’re working with clients to help them improve their businesses.
  5.   Marketing: A degree in marketing will give you the skills you need to help businesses promote their products and services. You’ll learn how to develop marketing campaigns, assess customer needs, and measure results.

As you can see, the career of a consultant can take you in many different directions. Once you’ve chosen a particular interest or field of study, this may help you narrow down which degree to pursue for your career as a consultant. 


A career as a consultant can be very rewarding. It offers a high degree of flexibility, autonomy, and income potential. If you’re interested in becoming a consultant, then these aforementioned steps should help get you started on that path. The more research and preparation you can do, the more you will set yourself up for success moving forward!


1) “How to Become a Consultant: 11 Steps to Doing it Right” Hubspot (2022) 

2) “Management Consulting in the US” Ibis World ( 2022): 3) “Consultant Careers & Degrees How to Become a Consultant” (2022):